Saul Centers, Inc. offers a dividend reinvestment plan which enables its Common Shareholders to
automatically invest some of or all common dividends in additional shares. The plan provides Common
Shareholders with a convenient and cost-free way to increase their investment in Saul Centers.
Common shares purchased under the dividend reinvestment plan are issued at a 3% discount from the
average of the high and low prices of the stock on the purchase date.
To enroll in the plan or receive more information please call customer service at 1-800-509-5586 and
request to speak with a service representative. If you are already a participant, you can obtain
information about your account by calling 1-212-509-4000. You may view the plan's Prospectus
using Adobe's Acrobat Reader program.
Direct Deposit of Dividends The Transfer Agent also processes requests from Common
Shareholders wishing to have dividend payments directly deposited into their bank account.
Dividend History
Summary of common dividend payments and their allocation between taxable dividend and return of
Download Dividend
History - (PDF File Format)
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